Monday, September 27, 2010

What we've been up to lately..

Front yard re-designing! This has been quite the overhaul for us, and is only halfway there. We have always wanted the house to have more "landscaping symmetry" -- we had pavement covering up one side of the house, and a random flower bed on the other. We learned that to have pretty landscaping where we wanted it that it would require us to:

- Install 50 foot long 15 inch deep french drain in front of house
- Remove/replace all old landscaping
- Remove all pavement (wrapped all the way around the side of the house in front of our sunroom)
- Rebuild walkway out of pavers
- Cement base of house to look smooth and block out moisture
- Build retaining wall between driveway & sunroom space
- Create step-stone path leading form driveway to porch
- Plant in front of sunroom, both sides of porch, and in front of kitchen
- Fill in old landscaping island with dirt/grow grass

... and that's exactly what we've been doing...

We're no where near done, but thought I'd share some pictures of the progress. It doesn't look like much, but hope to have plants in soon as we are in the peak planting season. More to come!

Sorry, I don't have a summertime "before" picture, but this should give you the general idea.

Just some of the pavement -- notice it goes right up to the sunroom
-- sunrooms are supposed to have gardening in their windows, not concrete!

I want to say that I thought we should hold off on taking out the old (cracked) walkway, but Josh was not having it! Once all of the pavement was broken, we had two full dump trucks of it in our front yard -- ugh.

Putting the family to work on the new walkway.

Possibly one of the hardest manual labor jobs I've ever done -- digging a french drain! Sounds simple, but it is so hard.

50' french drain installed - check!

Retaining wall, stepping stones, down-spout drainage installed, cemented foundation,
and pavers down on walkway - check!

Friday, September 24, 2010


...I have begun compiling a list of books that I think would be fun for our coffee table in the living room -- check them out! :D

Neglected Blog

Josh and I have both been spread pretty thin the last couple weeks, so don't have much to post, but some pretty finds that I thought I would share. The short story is, we're doing our entire front yard. Hope to have some of that completed by the end of this weekend... and will post some pictures of the progress.
Have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hello, weekend!

Well, I don't have any fun DIY projects to share with you (just yet), but leave you with some fun images form around the house. Have a lovely Labor Day weekend, it's gorgeous here in the Scenic City!

Horses + Fall = Gorgeous

I've noticed several images lately in fashion and on interior design blogs that showcase horses as a theme -- which I love! Anyone Anthropologie's September 2010 Lookbook yet? Well here is just a sample, or view the catalog here:

These beautiful images from Curate + Love make miss my horse-riding days
even more than I already do.

Work of Emily Henderson

Ok, so I know that everyone and their mom is talking about Design Star's most recent winner,Emily Henderson, but I really have enjoyed some of her work that I have seen thus far.

Emily now has a show, Secrets From a Stylist, where she customizes a client's room layer by layer through her styling techniques.

Wanted to share some of her work that caught my attention - enjoy!